Single vs Multiple Injections of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) - What Works Best for Dermal Rejuvenation and Esthetics?

The use of PRP as a treatment for skin rejuvenation has been increasing over the past decade [1]. Platelets, which are rich in growth factors, promote the following [1]:

  • Wound healing

  • Angiogenesis

  • Tissue remodeling

Due to the ease and low invasiveness of collecting platelets, PRP serves as a safe and effective choice for cellular renewal [1]. According to a comprehensive review and consensus put forth by the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL) PRP taskforce, 3-6 PRP sessions performed at monthly intervals are recommended for esthetics, with results reasonably expected after 4-6 weeks of treatment [1].

The Quality of Evidence (QOE) and Strength of Recommendation (SOR) was evaluated as follows [1]:

Quality of Evidence (QOE)

  1. High Quality: Well-performed randomized control trials or clear evidence from multiple well-conducted observational studies showing very large effects. 

  2. Moderate Quality: Randomized controlled trials with essential limitations.

  3. Low Quality: Observational studies or controlled trials with severe limitations.

  4. Very Low Quality: Nonsystematic observations, biologic reasoning, or observational studies with severe limitations.

Strength of Recommendation (SOR)

  1. Strong: A strong recommendation was given when benefits distinctly outweighed risks for nearly all patients.

  2. Weak: A weak recommendation was given when risks and benefits were more closely balanced or uncertain. 


[1] Nanda, Soni, et al. “Platelet-Rich Plasma in Aesthetics.” Indian Dermatology Online Journal, vol. 12, no. 7, 2021, p. 41., 
