PLYMOUTH MEDICAL is proud to have launched this set of educational resources for our valued customers. Since 2011, our vision and commitment has remained rooted in scientific evidence and data; our clients’ trust drives us to do more than supply medical devices.
We have worked tirelessly to develop this framework of peer-reviewed research tools for our customers to
1) select the right autologous intervention (PRP, BMC and/or MFAT),
2) use the best products and
3) hone in on optimal protocols for positive patient outcomes.
The fields of Orthobiologics are fast-evolving and generally involve demanding clinic workflows. Keeping up with the latest research and recommendations can quickly turn into a full-time responsibility, not to mention ensuring your team is up to speed on the latest protocols and best practices. We hope our Education Portal resources can help streamline your internal processes and that your patients will also appreciate access to further evidence and information.
The Plymouth Medical Education Portal consists of 4 main resources:
Searchable peer-reviewed articles & studies for provider & patient
Notable Orthobiologic webinars and instructional videos
Evidence-based treatment suggestion tip sheets organized by body parts
Checklists for procedure preparation &
workflow optimization