DISCLAIMERS: The ABX Micros devices are quantitative multi-parameter, automated hematology analyzers for in vitro diagnostic use in clinical laboratories to identify and enumerate the following parameters: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, PLT, MPV, LYM#, LYM%, MON#, MON%, GRA#, GRA% in K2-EDTA & K3-EDTA anticoagulated venous whole blood samples from adult patients and pediatric patients ≥ 1 month of age. These medical devices are FDA cleared to provide platelet counts up to a range of 2m-4m platelets per microliter. The ABX Micros ES 60 and Micros 60 results from BMC samples have not yet been validated by the manufacturer and no claim is given as to the accuracy, precision or linearity of this device. No reimbursement is available when using this service for research purposes. Patient results may vary and baseline whole blood results will not be shared to providers and patients. Plymouth Medical reserves the right to refrain from testing on samples that have not been properly sampled, tagged, packaged or shipped per instructions and is not liable for any delivery service failures. The collection and analysis of blood and PRP/BMC/MFAT samples is not intended as a diagnostic tool. The data and cellular characteristics of samples are intended for information purposes only. PLYMOUTH MEDICAL is not offering a diagnosis, treatment suggestions or any other medical advice. The reports are to be used at the discretion of the ordering physician. PLYMOUTH MEDICAL reserves the right to use the data collected in marketing, promotional activities and for future product development purposes.