Take our quiz to determine if you should get the UV-C Disinfection Lamp with or without ozone emission:


UV-C Disinfection Lamp without Ozone Emission:

UV-C Disinfection Lamp with Ozone Emission:

UV-C Dosimeter cards demonstrate the efficacy of The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (UV-C Lamp Distance = 4m; Exposure Duration: 60min)



1. Should I purchase a UV-C lamp with or without Ozone? How many UV-C lamps do I need for my room?

Whether to choose The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp with or without ozone depends on a variety of factors such as the ability to remove people, pets and plants from your room and close the room during the disinfection process.

The number of lamps needed to achieve 99.9% viral disinfection depends on your room size and your room setting.

You can complete this 30 second quiz to determine which UV-C Disinfection Lamp (with or without ozone) and how many lamps you should purchase.

2. What is the viral disinfection range for your UV-C lamps?

To achieve 99.9% viral disinfection coverage with the 60-minute timer setting, ensure that the room is ≤ 32m2 (344ft2) and has a radius ≤ 4m (13ft)*. If the room size exceeds 32m2 (344ft2) and/or the radius >4m (13ft), we recommend placing multiple UV-C lamps in different areas of your room to achieve 99.9% viral disinfection coverage.

3. How can one be certain that the UV-C lamp is working?

We recommend that you purchase UV-C Dosimeter cards that will demonstrate the efficacy of The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp. The cards provide a visual indication of applied UV-C energy during a disinfection cycle. You can purchase the UV-C Dosimeter cards in our online store.

Dosimeter Card Test Results with The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp:


Note: Disinfection times are based on room size and setting (temperature, humidity, room setup). A room with a radius smaller than 4m (13ft) may reach the UV-C energy of 25mJ/cm2 in less than 60 minutes. To determine which timer setting (15/30/45/60 min) is sufficient for your room to reach 25mJ/cm2 for 99.9% viral disinfection, we recommend completing a test disinfection cycle using dosimeter cards (click here).

4. Can I be in the same room during the disinfection cycle?

It is not safe for humans, animals, or plants to be in the same room when using any UV-C light product. The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp has a delayed 10-second timer safety feature and it only turns on after you walk a few meters away. It also has a 5-meter automatic shut off motion detection sensor for unexpected pets and visitors.

For The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (without ozone): You can enter the room immediately after the disinfection cycle.

For The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (with ozone): Please allow the Ozone to properly dissipate after each disinfection cycle:


We recommend opening a window or turning on a fan to ventilate the room with fresh air when the cleaning cycle is complete to mitigate any health concerns.* That said, this is not a necessary step, as the ozone will dissipate naturally, leaving no chemical residue. There is no need for concern if you should be briefly exposed to an area that has ozone generated from The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp.

About the ozone smell: After the UV-C Lamp & Ozone cleaning is complete, the area has been ventilated and some time has passed, you may experience a residual "ozone smell" for a short amount of time. This is normal, and not harmful.

You can purchase Ozone Test Strips to measure the ozone exposure after the dissipation time to ensure that the ozone levels are within OSHA Guidelines. Click here to purchase.


5. Do your UV-C lamps kill the coronavirus?

The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp cannot claim to kill the COVID-19 virus as this is a novel virus and there have not been enough independent studies to make this claim. There are many other independent published studies on UV-C effectiveness to disinfect and kill viruses and germs. For example, we know UV-C light has been shown to kill SARS (same family of the virus) very effectively and quickly. These viruses are biologically and structurally the same. They are all thin-layered viruses, making them very susceptible to UV-C light.

We performed a test against human coronavirus OC43 (ATCC: VR-1558), the coronavirus known for causing the common cold. The testing results show that The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp kills an average of 99.93% of the virus (Log 3.2 Reduction) in a room ≤ 4m (13ft) with the 60-minute timer setting. Access results here.

Preliminary research has shown that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may be inactivated by UV-C (254nm) at a dose of 22mJ/cm2.*

The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp surpasses the dose of 22mJ/cm2 at all time settings and our dosimeters will help establish what time setting you need for your specific room sizes.

*Press Release - June 16, 2020: Signify and Boston University validate effectiveness of UV-C light sources on inactivating sources on inactivating the virus that causes COVID-19

6. Does UV-C have to shine directly on targeted areas to sanitize?

The light emitted from The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamps is 60 watts. This will reflect and refract just like a regular incandescent light. It will be able to disinfect indirectly to some degree, although the further away (or the less direct) the light is, the less powerful the disinfection effect will be. Areas where the UV-C light does not reach at all will not be disinfected.

For rooms with a lot of furniture or equipment that may cast shadows, The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (with ozone) is recommended. Ozone + UV-C will disinfect airborne pathogens as well as surfaces.

7. How often should I use the UV-C lamp?

Short answer - It depends. It is important to create some distinction between some phrases beforehand.

There is a difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting. Cleaning as you know is done regularly and often. Wiping down surfaces and removing dirt and stains. Sanitizing is killing a certain level of bacterium up to the standards an organization or government body has set. Disinfection is the use of an agent that intends to kill most if not all bacteria and pathogens. This is best done when you believe someone sick has been through an area or if an area needs to be regularly disinfected. Perhaps there is an immunocompromised person around as well. It needs to be done as often as you believe an area needs to be disinfected.

For businesses, you may use it more often for necessary sanitation purposes. This may result in a single use or multiple uses per day. Businesses typically have a lot of foot traffic so it is not unusual for daily use.

For home use, you can get away with using it less often due to not having nearly as much foot traffic as a business.

IMPORTANT: Businesses should continue to use their necessary sanitation techniques and implement The Plymouth Medical lamp as an additional method of sanitation / disinfection.

8. When is the most effective time to use the UV-C lamps?

We were able to determine the most effective times for using The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp based on data from users.

Business Use: The most time-efficient way of implementing The Plymouth Medical lamp into a business setting is to use after hours of operation. For example, school districts would continue to use their janitorial staff for high levels of sanitation. At the end of the day, before they would leave, the janitorial staff would activate The Plymouth Medical lamp for the 60-minute setting. There would be one or two units per room depending on the size. Disinfecting the room after business hours is recommended for the UV-C Lamp with ozone as the room needs to be aired out after your disinfection cycle (between 1-4 hours depending on the selected disinfection cycle). If you would like to disinfect the room in between patients during business hours, we recommend purchasing the the UV-C Lamp without ozone as the room does not need to be aired out after the disinfection cycle - it can be accessed right away.

Home Use: In a home environment, many people have reported activating the unit before going to work, before going out, or after going to bed (in a separate room). There would be one or two units per room depending on the size. The dissipation time for the UV-C lamp with ozone is the same for home use: If you purchase the UV-C Lamp with ozone, the room needs to be aired out after your disinfection cycle (between 1-4 hours depending on the selected disinfection cycle). If you would like to access the room right after the disinfection cycle, we recommend purchasing the UV-C Lamp without ozone as the room does not need to be aired out after the disinfection cycle.

9. What is the wavelength that your UV-C lamps emit at?

The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (without ozone): The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp emits UV-C light at the germicidal wavelength of 253.7nm (no ozone is created).

The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp (with ozone): The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp emits UV-C light at the germicidal wavelength of 253.7nm and some at 180nm (at which some ozone is created).

10. Is your UV-C lamp battery operated?

The Plymouth Medical UV-C Disinfection Lamp requires a wall socket plugin (110V's, the standard).

11. Do you offer replacement bulbs?/How much are replacement bulbs?

The lifetime of the bulb is 9,000 hours. That means if you run the unit for one-hour, once per day, it would take 24 years for the bulb to burn out. The manufacturer provides a 1-year warranty against any defects in manufacturing. Should you need to purchase additional bulbs, you can order them through our online store.

12. Is UV-C safe for plants?

It is not safe to use UV-C light next to plants. We would recommend moving plants outside of the room when any UV-C product is in use.

13. Does UV-C harm fabrics or wood?

UV-C light may fade wood and certain color fabrics over a long period of time so we recommend that they are removed from the room if possible. UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C are all emitted from the sun but UV-C does not make it through the atmosphere. So the UV damage from the sun that we are all familiar with is from either UV-A or UV-B. UV-C is typically only found in man-made devices and has been dubbed “the germicidal wavelength” because it is effective in disrupting the RNA and DNA of bacteria, viruses, germs, etc.

14. Does UV-C light technology affect/degrade the color of clothing/photographs?

UV-C light will fade certain color fabrics over time, but the rate at which a fabric fades depends upon a number of factors.

The Material. Cotton fades the fastest. Other fabrics like polyester, nylon, and wool are much better at blocking UV-C damage.

The Color. The color actually makes a huge difference. Darker colors like black, navy blue, and dark gray are great at blocking UV-C caused fading. Lighter colors are not as durable.

Other Factors. How often/long has the fabric been exposed to UV-C? Even the amount of moisture in the air can play a role in determining the rate at which a fabric will fade.

It will take a while for the fabric to fade but it will happen gradually. To be on the safe side, we recommend removing more sensitive objects out of the room.

DISCLAIMER: All content and media on The Plymouth Medical UV-C is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. This device is not a medical device that is 510k cleared.